Monday, March 07, 2005

Lesson 3: The Wound

The wound is given by our fathers - whether they recognize it or not. The wound, which could seem so slight, can cut deeply into our souls and defines our personalities. For many of us, the wound is kept hidden and therefore we never heal. John Eldredge knows the wound his father gave him: absence. His father became non-existent when John needed him the most.

From the Band of Brothers DVD, we learn the wounds vary: from Craig's stepfather calling him a 'seagull' to Gary's father never approving of his work in ministry. All of us watching this lesson could identify with John's Brothers. All of us felt their pain and frustration.

As men, we tend to take the wounds and bury them under layers of resistance. The first step in this lesson is to identify the wound no matter how painful. John mentions that this isn't about bashing our fathers, but recognizing our wound and how this wound has affected our lives.

Next week, we will discuss "Healing the Wound".

Psalm 6:2 New Living Translation
Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my body is in agony.


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